Friday, July 17, 2009

Good News and Bad News

Let's start off with the bad news first, shall we?

This may be the only time where country clubbin will function as a credible news source, so here we go. For most of you who haven't heard, my brother was involved in a very serious bike accident last Friday which landed him in the ICU until about Wednesday. He managed to fracture his skull, collarbone, and already had a broken hand. To update everyone, he was just bumped out of the ICU and in his own room at SF General Hospital. For the most part, it looks like he will be doing alright, though I'm not sure when he'll be out of the hospital, let alone riding. Franchise BMX is accepting donations for Tim's medical bills at the Bicycle Film Festival Tommorrow if you feel inclined to help. Otherwise, let's set aside some of our troubles, be grateful for what we have, and hope we can get this son of a bitch hang five around town again.

I also cracked my LAF at the head tube (pictures might surface later), but hopefully empire will come through with the $200 2nd Wave frame i just ordered. Based on limited stock always worries me, especially from personal experience at my own place of work.

Anyways, two videos already laced to the inter-web, but are relevant to the extended country clubbin family. Two of my favorite people to ride with, Big Joey Caaaabbs and Caveman. Let's hope the embed codes work for my dumb ass. And honestly Beerman, for a kid who wears a Pantera shirt everyday of his life, you really think Aerosmith is the way to go? That piece of shit will be playing free shows at the boardwalk in no less than 3 years. Saddle up cowboys from hell.

Volume Bikes: Joey Cobbs Edit from VOLUME/DEMOLITION on Vimeo.

Steven Landrum from Chris McMahon SJBMX on Vimeo.

Finally, Eddie Money is NEXT weekend, July 24th, not today. Today is Starship with Mickey Thomas or something. Keep in mind VH1 voted Starship the most annoying 1 hit 1der band or most annoying band. So if you suck and like going to shows at the boardwalk, today is your day. It'll be Shakin next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Damn right Aerosmith was the right way to go! Why do you think he's doing the "WTF?" when Steven Tyler's vocals kick in?
